
Creative Writing

Meeting Details:

Location: Members’ homes
Frequency: Monthly
Day of Week: 3rd Monday
Time: 14.30 hrs

It may surprise you that most u3a Members have the potential to write fiction - if you have ever told a friend about a trip you've been on or described a funny incident you saw when you were out shopping, you have the skills you need to write - it's all about noticing something interesting enough to make you want to tell someone about it. It could be something you read in the paper or see on TV, a fragment of something overheard on the bus, anything can create a spark that ignites into a story. And once you get going, who knows where it will lead you?
The creative writing group has spaces for anyone who would like to practice using their imagination - it's a great way to keep the brain cells active. And with the days getting shorter and colder now, this could be the perfect time to give writing a go!

Anne Ludlowe, author, has made a video for The Third Age Trust with advice about creative writing, click here to watch it: u3a Creative Writing video

If you haven’t written anything since school days or you have always been scribing away, the Creative Writing Group would welcome you as a member.
Our format is that we write a short piece of fiction (a couple of pages), read it to the group then we chat about our stories. You can write in any genre - fantasy, romance, crime thriller, mystery, science fiction, whatever you enjoy reading or writing.
We meet once a month in the afternoon of the second Monday of the month.

For more information please contact us through Creative Writing

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