Ambleside & District

Join us

We hope that after exploring our web site you will decide to join us but you are also welcome to come along to any General Meeting or one or two group meetings if you would like a taster before joining.

Our current membership fee is £12 pa (£8.50 if you are already a member of another u3a). Some groups charge a small additional fee (typically £1 to £2 per session) to cover the cost of room hire, etc. We produce a quarterly newsletter containing news items and listing future events which is distributed to members and covered by the membership fee. If you would like a copy of our latest newsletter prior to joining, contact the membership secretary. Shortly after joining you will also begin to receive copies of the Third Age Trust's National Newsletter "Third Age Matters", which is published five times a year.

To join click on the link to our Membership Application Form, print it out, complete it and return it to the membership secretary, either by post or by scanning and sending it by email. You can also ask for a Word version to be completed electronically by contacting the membership secretary.