

HAND OUTS - Group generated notes

ARISTOTLE - A group member generated the following hand-outs - access these from the 'Links' margin.

1) a brief biography of the life and career of Aristotle to place him in context.

2) a brief discussion paper on Aristotle's Method of Logical Proof summarised as the Organon.

3) A Flow Chart to explain his Method and how the various components fit together - this is to contrast with Plato's Forms.

FREE WILL - Group members generated the following hand-outs - access these from the 'Links' margin.

A) Outline notes on Free Will - from Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy.

B) A range of further discussion documents as noted below:


See associated links relating to each topic noted below on the ‘Links menu’ (in the right hand side bar on a computer or at the bottom on a smartphone).

01) Determinism (hard copy already distributed)
02) Individual Choice - Agency and Capacity
03) Compatibilism - the Classic Free Will Position
04) Incompatibilism (1) - Anti Free Will Position - Hard Determinism and Impossibilism
04a) Incompatibilism (2) Libertarianism

Two Graphics

05) Four Schools of Thought Graphic
06) Views of Philosophers and Scientists Graphic

Supporting Source Materials

07) What Do Philosophers Believe - report supporting 6
08) Views of Scientists - report supporting 6
09) P.F. Strawson Freedom and Resentment article
10) Galen Strawson - Impossibilism article
11) Views of Benjamin Libet, neuroscientist and experimental psychologist

This is a massive topic, ill-tempered and full of egos!!!

Follow on presentations by Group Members include:
Laplace - see links.

The discussion papers are designed to focus on main points and allow talk around the table.

The graphics and source materials are there so that members can read them (if they wish) and make up their own minds.
