Abergele & District

Tai Chi Beginners

T'ai Chi beginners meet each week at the Abergele Old peoples'club at 9:30 on a Tuesday morning for an hour.

At the moment this group is full and there is a waiting list,if you would like to join the Tai Chi group please contact Val, the group co-ordinator to ensure you will be offered the next vacant place.

T'ai Chi is renowned for its benefits to health and meditation aspects.

T'ai Chi's training concentrates on relieving the physical effects of stress on the body and mind.

The breathing exercises in coordination with physical movement were formerly taught only to disciples as a separate, training system. In the last 50 years they have become known to the general public.

T'ai Chi has become very popular in the last twenty years, as the baby boomers age and T'ai Chi's reputation for ameliorating the effects of aging becomes more well-known.

Hospitals, clinics, community and senior centres are hosting T'ai Chi classes in communities around the world.

T'ai Chi's gentle, low impact movements surprisingly burn more calories than surfing and nearly as many as downhill skiing.

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Strollers T'ai Chi Advanced
Tai Chi Beginners Ukulele