Witham, Lincolnshire

Welcome to Witham U3A

Witham U3A (University of the Third Age) was formed in 2007, and meets on the third Thursday of each month in Cherry Willingham and Reepham village hall. We are just beyond the eastern edge of the city of Lincoln and a short distance from the river Witham which runs through Lincoln and from which we take our name. Our meetings begin at 10.00 a.m. with tea\coffee, and the talk or presentation begins at 10.30 a.m.

Our monthly meetings are attended by between 50 and 80 members, and usually comprise illustrated talks by speakers drawn from a wide area and talking on a wide variety of subjects, including musical presentations in a variety of (usually lighthearted) styles. In addition there are special interest groups for such enthusiasms as walking, music, art and craft, play reading, and so forth.

We rarely offer Study Days of our own, but our neighbourhood group of U3As provides us with details of such events throughout Lincolnshire and beyond, so keep an eye on the noticeboard at meetings or on this website, and an ear open for our chairman's announcements at meetings, for all such information.

Social occasions of a more informal nature are held occasionally, notably one in the summer when one of our meetings is devoted to giving the individual groups an opportunity to demonstrate what they do and try to recruit new members, and one just before Christmas when the presentation has a light Christmas theme and when mince pies are served with our coffee. All meetings give opportunities for chat over a free cup of coffee or tea, so be sure to arrive early so that you don't miss out.

Membership costs £20.00 per year, with no extra charges for attending meetings nor for refreshments at meetings. Extra charges may be made by special interest groups to cover costs.


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