Moor`s Edge

Welcome to Moors

Moor's Edge u3a was formed in September 2014. We are a friendly group with a growing membership drawn from areas of North Plymouth and the South West edge of Dartmoor. As with all u3a branches, we are self funding.

Our members monthly meetings are held at the Woolwell Centre, currently on the second Friday of the month (except August) at 2.30pm. We have a guest speaker at each meeting (see events page). You are invited to attend two of these meetings as a guest before deciding whether you wish to join.

There are a number of interest groups listed on the 'Groups' page offering a wide range of social, learning and leisure activities. As a member you are entitled to join as many as you wish.

Our annual membership fee is currently £17.00 for a full member and £13.00 for an associate member payable during September and October (Follow link above for a membership form).

Why not come along, we look forward to meeting you at : Woolwell Centre, Darklake Lane, Woolwell, Plymouth, PL6 7TR

Click on a picture below to see it full-size with more details.