

Chairman: Jim Innes
Secretary: Elaine Lewis (Acting)
Treasurer: Mary York
Chairman of Convenors: Position vacant
Speaker Finder: Mary York (Acting)
Social Organiser: Position vacant
Membership Secretary & Beacon: David Marshall
Vice-Chairman: Position vacant
Minuting Secretary: Marie Elliott
Welfare Officer: Anita Innes
Newsletter Editor: Andi Bradley
Newsletter distribution: Mary York
Website: Jim Innes (Acting)
Committee Member: Mitch Elliott
Committee Member: David Hunter

Any of the above can be contacted via the 'Contact' page.

Any member wishing to volunteer for a vacant position or to shadow a roll which is currently covered by an "Acting" Committee member, should contact the Chairman. Shadowing a roll for a period of time will allow a member to fully see what is involved, prior to applying to take on the roll formally.

A photograph of the current Committee will be available soon.