

A very warm welcome to the website of Lichfield u3a. Our motto is "Learn, Laugh, Live." The u3a is for you!

The u3a is a national organisation for people no longer in full-time employment. There are 1,000 u3as in the UK, with a membership of over 400,000. It's a self-help, learning cooperative, run for and by its members. We provide educational, creative and leisure opportunities through a wide variety of interest groups. Come and join us in the aims of u3a - Learn, Laugh and Live.

For a list of u3a Online courses, available to Groups or Individual Members, please see the item on the Links page (click on the word Links at the top of this page).

About Lichfield u3a
Lichfield u3a was formed in 1994, and now has over 600 members and 60 groups. Our groups are listed on the Groups page. Most meet in the daytime, and you can join as many as you like! If you have a particular hobby or interest that you wish to share, please let us know, and we may be able to start a new group.
Participation is a key word for membership; whether it's helping with refreshments, sharing the organisation of a group, or serving on our committee, there's a job for everyone. Groups meet in venues around the city, including members' homes.

Join our FREE Monthly Meeting - open to all
We hold a meeting at 2pm on the second Wednesday of each month, in the Guildhall. We hear from a speaker for about an hour, then have refreshments and mingle. You're are welcome to attend a monthly meeting as a guest and if you're thinking of joining, it's a great way to find out more about us. There's a Welcome desk as you come in, so please let us know your contact details and what your interests are.

Annual membership of Lichfield u3a is £12. We keep costs to a minimum and at present, charges for each activity range from 50p to £2. Membership includes:

  • Entry to the Monthly Meeting
  • Access to all groups
  • A monthly bulletin, containing our latest news and events
  • A national, quarterly printed magazine (Third Age Matters), delivered to your door.
  • Opportunities to meet new people with similar interests and make new friends.

MORE INFORMATION? NB. Click on the blue text to go to the relevant information.
Email us via the Contact page.
Lichfield u3a Policies. Click on the "...Policy..." Links on the right.
Find out about the West Midlands u3a Region by clicking on Link to West Midlands region website.
For national u3a information, click on Link to National u3a website.