

At the Annual General Meeting on 11th April 2024, followed by a Special General Meeting, the members present accepted that, as no volunteers came forward to take part in the running of this u3a, no further action could be taken.

Therefore, any groups scheduled to meet before 30th April will still be covered by the Third Age Trust ‘umbrella’ (insurance etc) but any groups still wishing to continue meeting from 1st May will be at their own discretion.

The existing Committee will proceed with the dissolution recommendations according to the Constitution of the Leigh on Sea u3a

BACKGROUND The U3A is a learning organisation made up of self-help groups run by their members. We welcome people who are no longer in full time employment who wish to learn and socialise together. There are currently over 1046 U3As across the country in this growing, dynamic organisation. People coming together, learning together, not for qualifications but the sheer joy of discovery.