Exe Valley


Click on the Group name below to get more details. If there is no direct link from the group page to the group leader, please contact the Secretary or Membership Secretary for further information using the contact icon on the Welcome page.
If you are interested in starting a new Group, there is a helpful document that can be downloaded by clicking on the icon to the right.There is also a guide to running the first meeting available by clicking on the icon/link to the right.

Group List
Art Appreciation
Thursday p.m.
Third Thursday
Thursday p.m.
Third Thursday
Tuesday a.m.
11am to 1pm
Tuesday a.m.
11am to 1pm
Boules 2
Thursday a.m.
every week 10-12 summer
Thursday a.m.
every week 10-12 summer
 Various times and dates
 Various times and dates
 1st Wednesday
 1st WednesdayCraft
 2nd Monday, 2 pm
 2nd Monday, 2 pm
 2nd & 4th Monday, 2 - 5pm
 2nd & 4th Monday, 2 - 5pmDiscussion
 1st Friday
 1st Friday
Folk Dancing
Wednesday p.m.
2nd and 4th Weds.
Wednesday p.m.
2nd and 4th Weds.
French Conversation
 4th Friday
 4th Friday
 2nd Monday
 2nd MondayKnit 2,Chat 2 Together
 1st Thursday 2-4pm
 1st Thursday 2-4pm
Local History
 2nd Thursday 2-4pm
 2nd Thursday 2-4pmLunch Club
 3rd Thursday
 3rd Thursday
Mah Jong
 1st & 3rd Fridays, 2-4pm
 1st & 3rd Fridays, 2-4pmMOTO (Members on their own)
 10.30, 4th Saturday
 10.30, 4th Saturday
Old Road Reading Group
Thursday a.m.
4th Thursday in members homes
Thursday a.m.
4th Thursday in members homes
 4th Thursday,2.00 pm
 4th Thursday,2.00 pm
 1st Thursday 9.30am
 1st Thursday 9.30amReading
 4th Monday, 2 pm
 4th Monday, 2 pm
Reading Group 2
 1st Monday 2.00 - 4.00 pm
 1st Monday 2.00 - 4.00 pmScrabble
 2nd & 4th Mondays
 2nd & 4th Mondays
Thursday a.m.
10.00 - 12.00 winter
Thursday a.m.
10.00 - 12.00 winter
Table Tennis
 Every Monday 10.00am - Noon
 Every Monday 10.00am - Noon
What We Have Noticed
 1st Friday 10.30-12.30
 1st Friday 10.30-12.30Wine Appreciation
 2nd Wednesday 7-9pm
 2nd Wednesday 7-9pm
World History
 Third Monday 2pm to 4 pm
 Third Monday 2pm to 4 pm