Upper Nene Villages


The group is situated in the west of Northamptonshire, between Daventry and Towcester, off the A5. The villages which make up the group lie on the River Nene and our meetings are held in Bugbrooke, a village at the centre of our area.

With a membership below one hundred, we are friendly and informal, with a warm welcome to members and visitors alike.

Restrictions related to Coronavirus meant that actual meetings had been suspended, but they have now resumed.

A virtual Annual General Meeting was held on Monday 17 May 2021 via video.

Our monthly meetings, when held, take place in Bugbrooke Sports & Community Centre, off Camp Hill, Bugbrooke, NN7 3RW, generally on the third Monday of each month, starting at 2.00pm. To view our programme of meetings, with many interesting guest speakers, or to learn of any one-off excursions, see EVENTS.

All meetings end with a sociable cup of tea and biscuits.

Special Interest Groups normally meet regularly in members' houses, but with the current restrictions, some groups are holding virtual meetings, while others have resumed in person; for all the topics covered, see GROUPS.

How to join - why not come to one of our monthly meetings and find out more? You're sure of a warm welcome and our Membership Secretary will be on hand to answer your questions. Otherwise, you may reach us via CONTACT.

The annual subscription is currently £15. The meeting admission charge is £3 for members and £5 for visitors.

Note that all images on this site are copyright of the relevant author.